Bridging Economic Frontiers: FINRAN’s Influential Roundtable Fosters Strategic Partnerships between CIS and Malaysia

October 28, 2023

On October 16, 2023, a significant event took place in Dubai, UAE. The investment company FINRAN hosted a roundtable discussion with representatives from the CIS region and the Malaysian Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies, YB Fadmi Fadzil.

The Southeast Asian region plays a pivotal role in the modern economy, with a population larger than that of the European Union and North America. For companies seeking to enter new markets, Southeast Asia remains a focal point. With extensive experience in the investment business in Southeast Asia, FINRAN comprehends the challenges that representatives from the CIS region need to address when entering the Malaysian market.

Thanks to the roundtable, FINRAN, the Malaysian Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies, and representatives from the CIS region were able to discuss several critical issues. Key among these were Malaysia’s readiness to support foreign investments, opportunities for legalization and visa acquisition, and the opening of bank accounts.

 The following companies participated in the event:

  • Terra VC Investment Company
  • New Industry Venture Capital Fund
  • NVI Solution Technology Company
  • BaseTracK MENA FZ Technology Company
  • Astergo Group Engineering Company
  • Angelsdeck Global Ventures Investment Fund
  • Dsoft Technology Company
  • ABS Consulting Company
  • Gingo Partners Investment Fund
  • Business club “Atlanty”
  • Business club “Equium”

One of the highlights of the event was the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between FINRAN and the Malaysian Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC). This strategic partnership has opened doors to numerous opportunities, allowing for substantial investment commitments and the creation of export prospects.

Following the meeting, FINRAN plans to attract investments from the CIS region to Malaysia in 2024, totaling approximately $100 million. This initiative is expected to generate between 500 and 1000 new jobs.